Saturday, November 17, 2012

Some birds and a post

School and more school, and more school, I am done with this. I never get a chance to update my blog because as soon as I am done hunting, I am doing school work. Well to bad, I said screw the work I am putting some pictures up and the homework can wait.

We went out pheasant hunting today and I finally managed to get my limit, first 2 birds of the year for me. Let me tell you, after 5 or 6 hunts with about 15 misses I was just fed up. Well to be truthful it was about 2 hunts with that many misses, the other hunts I couldn't even get a shot, but regardless I was just not happy.

We got out petty late for our normal day of hunting, started around 9 or so. We spotted one pheasant in a field and watched it run in the weeds. So we turned around and went after him. It didn't take long for our dog to get on to the trail and put him up. My brother and I both shot at it, but didn't do to much damage because he was still trying to fly away. Didn't get far though, dog grabbed him up and when she brought him back we realized both of his legs were broken pretty badly, he didn't really have a chance. We walked around without seeing another thing for a while and my dads hip started to bother him so we were about to call it a day when my brother saw a pheasant. We worked our way to him and jumped him, we landed 3 shots on him in about 1/2 of a second. He was dead before he hit the ground, real dead let me tell you. We ended up jumping 4 more in the same area and my brothers go 2 of them. Not a bad day, I was just glad to get my limit finally.

My dog felt line being in the photo

Just a normal day of hunting

Lunch time

We want to eat, she wants to hunt

4 birds, good day
