8 o'clock comes and bam, caught the first fish out of the 5 of us, an hour or 2 later I had 15 and my friend will had 7. We decided to walk down the creek and see if we could catch a few in a different hole. I ended up catching 2 at the next hole, but that was it. So we walked some more when I noticed a lone single fish. I knew no one had fished for this guy and I knew he was hungry so I through my trout magnet out and had him on the first cast. So further down we went and we ended up at the last hole they stocked. Caught 2 out of there and then more people came so we got out of there quickly.
We decided to make the long hike back to the hole we had originally planned on fishing. When we got there, there was several guys but we really had a good feeling about the hole. So we went below the creek and stayed out of the their way. A few minutes later and 4 people gone we were fishing. Stayed at this hole for the majority of the day and ended up getting my total to 51 and my friend got his to 45. I also ended up catching a 23 inch, 5 pound trout out of it to. I will tell the story later in the post, but anyways we did quite good here, this is also when we brought the fly rods out. Stocked trout are really fun on a 3 weight. About 6:50 we decided to go to a different hole and try our luck, the fishing had slowed here and we thought we might get a few more downstream. I ended up catching one trout that made the biggest knot between mine and my friend's line that we just gave up and called it a day. So I ended with 52 trout that day and he ended with 45. My total for this year is now 59.
Now to the story about the big rainbow. I had originally hooked the rainbow with the crawdad trout magnet when we got to the hole, but when my friend tried to land it he did a terrible job and caused my line to be snapped. I was pissed beyond all belief until I realized it was just a fish. So 20 or 30 minutes later he has the beast on, with an amazing net job a capture the fish, and trust me it was an awesome net job. I looked though and he had foul hooked it, so away it went back into the hole after we took my trout magnet out. We decided to go and get some food and when we came back on the first cast I had him on again. The man across the water who was the a**hole from the morning let us use his net to get it. It was my biggest trout to date and had my adrenaline going crazy.

Also that guy become pretty cool after talking with him the majority of the day.
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