Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Countdown

So my last few fishing trips have been good/bad. I have caught at least 2 fish on all of them, but each time I have gone fishing, my count has gone down by one. If this is truly whats happening I have 1 more outing until I can't catch a single trout anymore. Looks like my fly fishing career is almost over.

Went back out to Pike run today, landed 2, and missed A LOT more, just wasn't paying attention for the most part. Water was good, nice and green so the fish didn't spook to easily. Landed one pretty early and then switched spots, saw a Pali and that was it. Tried and tried and tried some more to catch him but I couldn't. It finally got dark enough and I couldn't see him so I just started casting a Wooly bugger hoping to catch one, I did, should have just done that from the beginning and ignored that freak of a fish. Well I am going back out tomorrow and the first thing I am going to do is try to catch the stupid fish again, its like a bad addiction, it just wont be satisfied till I get him in.

I don't think I wrote my last one or two trips, but I have a total of 56 now.

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